We had a shower for Jenny and Baby Macey at my house on Sunday. It was a wonderful afternoon with lots of cute baby things. Can't wait for Macey to be here and come over and play!
What a weekend. I spent it on Mt. Nebo for Elizabeth's bachelorette party. A weekend full of dancing, singing, eating, jigsaw puzzles, provocative "Clue", Phase 10, and pajamas! All this with a great view to boot! Had fun girls! Oh, and a trip to Mt. Nebo would make a good day trip and a fantastic camping trip- I highly recommend it.
It's prematurity awareness month! Working in the NICU for awhile and acknowledging that most of the children I work with now were either premature or had some sort of trauma at birth I see the need for March of Dimes everyday. I remember growing up and going with my mom around the neighborhood with our little cardboard box and "marching for dimes". Now all you have to do is make a donation online or help by signing this petition. The nation as a whole received a "D" in it's rating of premature births, and our state received an "F". So, take a second to do some reading and sign a quick petition of support. Maybe someday I will need a career change because all babies and kids will be healthy!
...When Dee and Dave got MARRIED! A wedding packed weekend. Friday was the bachelorette party/sweat shop. We assembled programs and wedding favors in matching aprons! I know- it was a wild time. Saturday was the rehearsal dinner with the wedding on Sunday at Garvan Gardens in Hot Springs. It was a beautiful day for a beautiful wedding! Congrats guys!
Looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home. I might even attempt to rake the 798,362,965,001 leaves in our front yard!