Saturday, May 26, 2012


Coby had a cooking competition in Hot Springs last week. So Keller and I went with him and stayed at the Arlington. Coby did great in the competition. We were so proud of him.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fun at work

Keller never misses out on anything. He loves playing with the kids at the clinic and they love entertaining him.
Doing exercises...

Playing in the balls...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bath time fun

Friday, May 18, 2012

Time flies

This was Weston and Keller in September.

And just 8 months later.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Picture Dump

Thursday, May 10, 2012

10 months!

Two more months and you'll be one! I can't believe how much you have changed in these few short months. You are an official crawler now. The belly scoot is no longer. you like to get into things you shouldn't and an sure pick up the speed when we are after you. You pull up on everything and one of you favorite things to do is drop toys on the floor from standing and then squat down to pick them up. You can stand on you own for a few seconds then get so excited when you realize what you are doing you fall. You have found a new love of clapping at everything and saying "yeah" when doing so. Sleep is still pretty good and you go through the night in your crib for the majority of the time. You've got three teeth on the bottom and the two top ones are going to bust through any day now. School is still going great. You love your teachers and will be moving up a room in June. They say you will start sleeping on a cot when you turn one. We'll see how that goes;) you look like a sumo wrestle in these pics!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Museum with friends

We planned a trip to the zoo with Macey and Weston the other weekend but it was drizzly outside so we ended up at the Museum of Discovery instead. Lots of fun things to get into and play with.