And one of the schools in my district, the one I spend the most time at, gave me another shower. So nice of them and I got some diapers, wipes, onesies, and other cute things. Here's the loot.
We are also really working on our budget. Most of our issues come with eating out. I am glad to say we haven't eaten out in about a month and by just eating what we have in the fridge and freezer we haven't even been to the grocery store in 2 weeks. We've been using and so far it's working great. Coby made homemade pizzas last week. They were so good and much cheaper that ordering. The trick to a good crispy crust? Crank the oven up as far as it will get.
As far as baby stuff the nursery is getting there. Just a few decorating/wall deco stuff left. Also organizing as we have more showers. I also have daycare and the pediatrician lined up. That is a HUGE relief for me. Daycare was so stressful but I am pretty sure I have found the perfect place and we also have a spot reserved!! We are now to our two week appointments, AND we have childbirth class tomorrow at the hospital. It's getting close...