I had another moment of unbelief. I don't want to say panic, because I'm not panicked just anxious. Anxious to meet Keller and in complete shock that he will be here in a little over 2 months! This has FLOWN by! I am enjoying my pregnancy so much that, even though I can't wait to meet the little guy, I will miss him not being with me 24/7. I love that I know his sleep patterns and how he likes to lay in my belly. He has ALWAYS been on the right side. I feel a kick or two in the left every now and then but I thinks it's just from him stretching. Then he curls back up in his nook below my right ribs. I'm going to ask the doctor next week what position she thinks he's in, head up or down. He usually wakes up for a few minutes before I get out of bed in the morning, sleeps and then wakes back up around 10, then around 1, then around 4, then before I go to bed around 9. This is not always exact but he definitely has a good pattern going on. Maybe that will translate into a good sleep schedule when he gets here. He is definitely active though. Last Saturday afternoon he moved around (with only a few minute breaks in-between) for almost 4 hours straight! I don't know if I just noticed it more because I was just laying around on the couch but gracious he was active.
I continue to feel really good. I'm not really that fatigued and still feel like I'm getting around pretty good. I do realize I have a few more weeks to go and all this could change but as of now things are going well. My only complaints are the carpal tunnel symptoms I am having in my right hand (just numbness of my thumb and pointer finger), and the swelling of my ankles and feet that seems to have struck right at the beginning of the third trimester. This is how I will probably spend my evenings these last few weeks. Feet propped on the wall.
(Do you love the pj pants? Goldfish in bags! I've had them since college. Coby despises them. But as long as he keeps his cut off sleeve t-shirt I'm keeping the goldfish pants)
I also found out that my belly is now so big that it can be used as a table top for my cereal bowl (or may be ice cream bowl;)
I also keep trying to take a quick video of my belly moving when Keller kicks, but of course he stops right when I get my camera out. Probably a taste of what's to come;)