This year I decorated EXTRA early. I am usually stand my ground on the whole "no Christmas before Thanksgiving" but this year I swayed. Coby took the decorations out of the attic before he left for the opening weekend of deer season.
-side note, deer season...does this phrase only make sense in the south? it makes
it sound like it is the "Season of the Deer" which I'm not so sure the deer would
agree with. i guess same goes for duck season.
Anyway, he took the decorations down and I had an entire weekend to myself to drink holiday Starbucks, watch lifetime, and make Christmas. I'll have to admit it was nice to get it done by myself. I really enjoy decorating and Coby pretty much despises it. He will hang ornaments (all in one area, close together, with out much thought as to get it over quickly) to appease me but I know he is not enjoying it. So...I have found that I enjoy doing it myself, the way I want to. Then he admires and ohhs and ahhs when he gets home. It's also been nice to have the tree up a little longer this year. More time to enjoy.
I also made our stockings this year. I wanted them to have our names on them. All the ones I found that I liked were super expensive. So I talked Coby into letting me get a new sewing/embroidary machine. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! The stockings are a little uh, homemade looking but that's what makes them so great. Right?
Your doggies look so cute! I bought our dogs Christmas shirts last year & we tried them on again last night. They still fit! I love your stockings too.
NO WAY! Did you embroider our Christmas kitchen towels too? What kind of sewing/embroidery machine did you get?? Send me a link if you can find it online. I love to sew (back when I had time!)and could do tons of fun stuff for friends (and my house) if I could embroider too!
The stockings look great! I love the fabric. Wish we lived closer!
Merry Christmas
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